Study room


Category: Benefits

Author: Srivari

The Impact Of Coronavirus: Demand For Functional Changes In Home Design On The Rise!

We have all seen the dreadful impact of COVID-19 pandemic and lived through the times of uncertainty that followed. Now, as we recover from it, slow and steady growth is what we can expect in the foreseeable future. That said, the present-day calls out for changes that can leave a positive and long-term effect on everyone’s lives. Home design is at the top of the list, with homebuyers demanding drastic functional changes. Why is this demand for house design changes noteworthy? Homebuyers want and are expecting homes that offer better liveability. So, what are these design and functional modifications the Indian home buyer is looking for today? Let’s take a look.

Workplace proximity isn’t the make or break factor anymore!

Quality of life has gained prominence today, for which the average Indian home buyer is willing to travel some distance to get to work. Crowded and bustling places are what they want to get away from, therefore central business districts (CBDs) no longer yield the high premium they used to.

An increase in demand for a separate study room

Work from home has become the new norm after COVID-19 hit us. Since most companies are getting comfortable with the idea of ‘Work from Home,’ home buyers are looking for that extra room in the house, they can convert into a study room. All this at the expense of smaller bedrooms and living rooms so, the cost doesn’t escalate.

Wellness gains priority in the eyes of the home buyer

The mindset of people, since the time of coronavirus, has changed. It has switched to the extent that they now consider wellness as the utmost priority in the sphere of life. So much so that they are willing to buy a house with fewer amenities but one that focuses on the wellness aspect. Open spaces, landscaped gardens, and a well-appointed space to become one with nature now attracts many home buyers in India.

On the lookout for housing projects with innovatively designed facilities

The demand for housing projects with innovatively designed facilities and smart home automation is on the rise. Homebuyers are looking for residential properties that focus more on automation with features that avoid any physical communication or touch.

Home décor ideas with maximum usage of given space

Instead of an additional built-up area, most homebuyers are on the lookout for homes that allow them to design and decorate it without shelling out more money for extra area. Everyone believes the time has come for innovative design with maximum usage of space and less focus on non-usable areas like the entrance lobby.

If these are the driving factors for the present and future homebuyer, Srivari Developers’ multiple projects in Coimbatore fit the bill perfectly. In case you are on the lookout for similar apartments Coimbatore and our group is proud to present, you can check out our entire collection of luxury apartments in Coimbatore.

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