House Plants


Category: Real-Estates

Author: Srivari

5 House Plants That Will Help Boost Your Immunity

House plants are effective in improving the indoor air quality at our homes. However, they can also help to boost our immunity. No, not the way that medicines and foods do, but by ensuring a healthy indoor ambience. They can remove toxins from the air, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety, relieve headaches, improve mood, improve brain function, increase energy levels and lower blood pressure!

Here are five immunity-boosting plants for health:

1.Snake Plant

Snake plants reduce the level of formaldehyde in the air, which is released by many household items. Moreover, they are also known to help you sleep better. Since they do not require much care and can go for weeks without water, these are one of the most low-maintenance plants for health that you can get.

2.Spider Plant

Similar to snake plants, spider plants reduce the levels of formaldehyde in the air. But in addition to that, they also reduce the levels of carbon monoxide and benzene while increasing the oxygen levels.

3.Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera plants do have air scrubbing properties like snake plants and spider plants, but they also have other benefits. They can be applied topically on your skin as well as can be used in healthy recipes! Multiple benefits make aloe vera a must have plant in any home.


Just like aloe vera, chrysanthemums have multiple benefits. They not only help to lower the levels of benzene inside your home, but they can also be used to make healthy teas. However, they require a bit more care and maintenance than the plants mentioned above.

5.Warneck Dracaenas

If you have any asthma patient at home, then warneck dracaenas are a must-have. These plants are very good at removing toxins from the air and improving the indoor air quality.

Indoor immunity-boosting plants can be great for your health as well as decor. And the best thing about them is, you don’t need to have green fingers to grow them!

At Srivari Group, we do not see ourselves only as the makers of luxury apartments in Coimbatore, but also as advisers on improved lifestyles. You can explore our other articles on lifestyle tips and tricks.

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